--- Julien Beasley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to get my project to move to TAP -- we have some perl test
> files
> and some C++ test files. Let's say I have 2 files: test.pl, and
> test.exe,
> the former is a perl program and the latter is a compiled program
> that
> outputs TAP.
> How do I use TAPx::Harness to run them both? I'm not really sure how
> to use
> the 'exec' switch for a program that doesn't require an interpreter
> :)

I need to write a tutorial on how to do this, to be honest. It's one of
the more advanced features, but it's pretty easy.

First, here's a tiny C++ program with a deliberately failing test:

  #include <iostream>
  int main()
      std::cout << "1..3\n";
      std::cout << "ok 1 whoopee!\n";
      std::cout << "not ok 2 :(\n";
      std::cout << "not ok 3 # TODO some test\n";

Compile it and move it to the test directory:

  g++ tap.cpp -otap.exe && mv tap.exe t/

Also in that test directory is this Perl program:


  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Test::More tests => 2;

  ok 1, 'first test';
  ok 2, 'second test';

To run the C++, you have create a "driver script" (don't forget to make
it executable):

  $ cat bin/run.pl 

  use strict;
  use warnings;

  my $prog = shift;
  unless ( -e $prog && -x _ ) {
      die "Cannot find or execute ($prog)";
  exec $prog;

This script doesn't need to be elaborate, it just needs to spit out TAP
(see the TAPx::Parser examples/ directory for an example which spits
out TAP for URLs)

Then you need an 'execrc' file.  This is written in YAML:

  code $ cat my_execrc 
  # this is the default for all files
      - /usr/bin/perl
      - -wT
      - *

  # Here's how we run the c++
      - bin/run.pl
      - t/tap.exe

And here's how to run your Perl and C++ tests at the same time:

  $ runtests --execrc my_execrc t/*
  t/tap........ Failed 1/3 subtests 

  Test Summary Report
  t/tap.exe (Wstat: 0 Tests: 3 Failed: 1)
    Failed tests:  2
  Files=2, Tests=5,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.04

Note that the format of the execrc file is likely to change in the
future.  You also probably want the latest development version of
TAPx::Parser on the CPAN.



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