Let's suppose that I have a suite of test files which I customarily run with 'prove':

  prove t/*.t

... where the tests in t/ are:


Let's further suppose that each of these three tests simulates the operation of a Perl program which is normally called with command-line arguments or options:

  perl myperlprogram.pl --option1 --option2 arg1 arg2

I know in advance that some of my users call myperlprogram.pl with options and some don't -- but I don't know what values they provide for those options. I would like my tests to be sufficiently flexible as to be able to handle the various use cases.

I would like to be able to provide the tests run via 'prove' with options something like this:

  some_variant_of_prove t/*.t --option1 --option2 arg1 arg2

... where those 4 command-line options/arguments would be available to *each* of the individual test files in the suite. A given test file would not necessarily have to respond to those options/arguments, but if it wanted to, it would do so simply by assigning the contents of the test script's @ARGV to some other array.

Can this be done?

Thank you very much.

Jim Keenan

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