On Thursday 03 January 2008 09:58:28 demerphq wrote:

> And thinking about it more i think that was the whole point of the
> weird call, Im guessing here, but probably this code isnt in a method
> which means that he doesnt have access to SUPER so, he passes it into
> can() which does.
> The following one liner demonstrates what the author of
> Template::Timer was (correctly) doing. Note that it doesnt matter if
> you define B::foo or not.
> $ perl -le'@B::ISA=qw(A); sub A::foo {print "in A::foo"} package B;
> sub foo {print "in B::foo"} __PACKAGE__->can("SUPER::foo")->();'
> in A::foo

Is that documented anywhere to work?  I couldn't find it.  In fact, it 
contradicts the documentation of can():

        "can" checks if the object or class has a method called "METHOD".
        If it does then a reference to the sub is returned. If it does not
        then undef is returned.  This includes methods inherited or
        imported by $obj, "CLASS", or "VAL".

-- c

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