On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 1:22 PM, Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 01:09:23PM +0300, Gabor Szabo wrote:
>> If I have the following code in a file called Makefile.PL
>> use FindBin;
>> print "$FindBin::Bin\n";
>> perl Makefile.PL  prints
>> /home/gabor/work/pugs
>> no matter where the file is located.
>> If the file is called a.pl  with the same content
>> it prints the correct directory as expected.
>> perl 5.8.8 on Ubuntu
>> perl -MFindBin -e'print $FindBin::VERSION'  is 1.47
>> The only environment variable I can see containing pugs is PATH
> I suspect you've fallen foul of the problem documented in the KNOWN BUGS
> section of the documentation.

It looks like you are right.
Not so surprisingly I don't have an executable a.pl anywhere in my path but I
have such a Makefile.PL in the pugs directory.

(on more good reason for the CPANTS metric checking for *not* executable
Makefile.PL :-)

This is the reason I could not install CPANPLUS as first thing it does
in Makefile.PL it calls

   chdir $FindBin::Bin


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