* Ovid <publiustemp-perl...@yahoo.com> [2009-04-06T10:52:33]
> > 
> > I thought it might be nice to give the group a description, but really just
> > diagging a description should be good enough for me.  I can wait for TAP 15
> > with preludes, envelopes, and the SWAK marker.
> Actually, you do a get description:
>   plan tests => 2;
>   ok 1, 'some test';
>   subtest "this is a description" => sub {

How did I miss that??  Thanks!

> The summary test name is whatever name you give the test and comes out in
> that trailing line.  Does that cover what you're needing?

Yes, although I might still use diag.  After all:

  ok 1 - just did x
    ok 1 - foo
    ok 2 - bar
  ok 2 - tested foo and bar

Is clear, but when that subtest is 1..50, it'd be more helpful when reading to

  ok 1 - just did x
    # here begin the tests of the blort subsystem
    ok 1 - foo
    ok 2 - bar
    ok 50 - metaquuxbaz
  ok 2 - tested foo and bar


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