I am trying to switch some home grown test scripts to test scripts
using Test::* modules and TAP.

There is one major issue and I wonder how others deal with it.

The home grown test scripts include raw data in their reports.

e.g.  when testing a web services we send an XML and receive another XML.
Both of these XMLs are recorded in the raw log file. This helps a lot
tracking down issues.

So now that I am switching reporting to TAP how do I log the raw data?

So far I could think only to either create a log file with the raw data or to
print the raw data using diag().
In the former case I lose the single result file advantage and I'll have
to somehow maintain the connection between the TAP output and the log file.

In the latter case printing so much with diag() might quite easily
clutter the output and
if there are newlines in the raw data they might even break the TAP output.

How do you deal with similar situation ?


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