Hello.  I have a question regarding TAP::Formatter::JUnit.

I have created a few perl tests modules using the TEST::CLASS framework. I run 
the test cases with prove outputting to a report using TAP::Formatter::JUnit. I 
then attempt to aggregate all of the reports using Ant's junitreport task. The 
junitreport task fails and reports "not a valid testsuite XML document" because 
the perl reports are not in a standard junit format.

The TAP::Formatter::JUnit formatter isn't creating 100% compatible junit 
reports. The problem is that the generated reports contain a root level 
'testsuites' element which isn't the same as an individual junit report. Junit 
reports from junit framework only contain 'testsuite' elements.

I have attached an ant project that reproduces the problem. There are two 
reports that it attempts to aggregrate, one from junit and the other
one from TAP:Formatter:JUnit. It junitreport fails when attempting to read TAP 
generated report.

Not sure how correct this is but here is a junit schema: 

Found it in: 


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