tl;dr/Executive Summary
Harvest the internal improvements from Test::Builder2 for Test::Builder
creating a backwards compatible Test::Builder 1.5 which accomplishes the
lion's share of the grant deliverables.  Have a feature complete alpha release
before the end of November.

The TPF Grant for Test::Builder2 is due to be shut down at the end of November
along with all the other "old style" grants which do not have reporting
requirements.  They've been far more than patient.  I have a final crack at
submitting a last report before the end of November to determine some level of

After thinking about it some, at this point the most speculative and least
developed part of Test::Builder2 is, ironically, Test::Builder2.  That is, the
backwards incompatible class which replaces Test::Builder as the interface for
test authors.  All the rest: the formatter, results, events, etc... are solid
improvements which can be used by Test::Builder.

This will still introduce alternative formatters and event hooks (except
"assert failed").  This gives us things like a safer Test::NoWarnings.  It
also remains possible to write additional builders which work in coordination.

The critical thing Test::Builder2 brought in was stacked asserts.  Those
eliminate the need to play around with $Level and also provide a reliable
"assert fail" event.  So we don't get that with Test::Builder 1.5... but we
weren't getting that usefully until test modules switched over to TB2 anyway.

The Test::Builder2 branch already has an operational Test::Builder which is
using the new TB2 pieces.  Test::Builder 1.5 would focus on finishing the
conversion of a backwards compatible, improved Test::Builder, rather than
designing Test::Builder2.

The primary hurdles remain the same: supporting threads and subtests in the
new formatter/event model.  It's not hard, it's just work I have to do.

I've set up a milestone with the outstanding 1.5 issues.

I have a date with some giant cartoon robots and booze.

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