I'm in Prague all week, so I've been able to read, but not really participate.

Echo chamber alert: I've often seen long discussions on this list ignore the 
"real world" (though often for good reason). In this case, it sounds like 
there's a consideration of removing a feature from TAP. IMHO this is a bad idea 
which should be opened up to the community at large.

Moving along, the *idea* of a nested TAP is so conceptually simple that if the 
implementing code is struggling with it, perhaps it's a sign that there are 
some design decisions which should be revisited? When I find conceptually 
simple ideas hard to do, I find it a code smell. (note that I'm not saying the 
actual design is bad. I haven't looked). I also find subtests so incredibly 
convenient and opens up so many possibilities that I would hate to lose them 
(and I use them a lot).

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>From: Michael G Schwern <schw...@pobox.com>
>To: Perl QA <perl-qa@perl.org>
>Sent: Wednesday, 26 October 2011, 23:09
>Subject: Re: Do we need subtests in TAP?
>Adrian forgot to send this to the list.
>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: Re: Do we need subtests in TAP?
>Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 14:14:31 +0100
>From: Adrian Howard <adri...@quietstars.com>
>To: Michael G Schwern <schw...@pobox.com>
>Hey there,
>On 26 Oct 2011, at 04:56, Michael G Schwern wrote:
>> I understand wanting "blocks of tests" and the ability to make plans for 
>> just those blocks, but do we need a discrete test state for that?  For 
>> example, Test::Class provides most of what subtests provide without special 
>> support.
>... and to do that T::C contains a bunch of annoying special case code than is
>(I think) still wrong in an odd corner case. Everybody who wants to do the
>things T::C does will also have to do that work.
>T::C implemented with subtests is _much_ cleaner code.
>There may be other ways of getting that complexity out of T::C (and similar)
>and into Test::Builder of course - but I'm not 100% sure what you're 
>> It occurred to me because most other testing systems don't have subtests.
>> They have test methods, but those aren't treated as a sub-state of the test.
>Some do have different levels of hierarchy though. (e.g. JUnit's Test Case /
>Suite distinction).
>> In essence, a "subtest" is nothing more than a block of tests with a name 
>> and it's own plan.  The special TAP formatting seems unnecessary.  I guess 
>> that's the real question, do we need the special TAP formatting or do we 
>> just need named test blocks with their own plan?
>One thing subtests TAP formatting gives you is a simple way to nest TAP
>streams from elsewhere. Any other system would mean you have to rewrite the
>nested stream (I think?)
>Who invented the eponym?

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