On 2011.12.6 10:56 AM, Cosimo Streppone wrote:
> I wasn't referring to a dependency problem,
> but to the actual code being the same on the
> thing-that-tests and thing-that-is-being-tested.

It would be a problem if they were the same code, but they're not because
TB2::Mouse is a copy of an earlier released version of Mouse.

> I would tend to avoid this (who controls the controller etc)
> but maybe it's not a problem at all.

That wouldn't be possible because both have good test suites.

Mouse has to pass its test suite to release a new version.
TB2 has to pass its test suite after it embeds a new version of Mouse.

There's no more risk than any other dependency.

However, TB2 would have to be smart and keep the "oh, Mouse is installed so
I'll use that" logic from kicking in.  That would be a problem.


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