
On 5/1/13 3:38 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
> In accordance with the terms of my grant from TPF this is the monthly
> report for my work on improving Devel::Cover covering March 2013.
> Sorry for the delay in this report.  Most of March and all of April has been a
> very busy time for me outside of grant work on Devel::Cover.
> This month I released Devel::Cover 1.01.
> March's work started by continuing there February's had left off.  David
> Golden had politely observed that the coverage reporting for ||= operators in
> his Path::Iterator::Rule module was somewhat less than optimal.  So I got hold
> of the module's source, pared the module down to the minimum required to
> reproduce the problem, and fixed it, along with another problem that showed up
> too.  The problem boiled down to C< $x ||= $y > being in void context, but we
> want to show the coverage as if were not.  This was one of those problems
> where the majority of the effort was spent in locating and defining the
> problem, and the solution was relatively simple from that point.  In any case,
> the coverage looks much healthier now:
> This month, perls 5.14.4, 5.16.3, 5.17.10 were released.  I tested against
> these, along with 5.17.9 from February.  It's obviously important that
> Devel::Cover works with newly released stable versions of perl, so I always
> try to test with the release candidates too.  I also try to keep up with the
> development releases (5.17.x at the moment), which are far more of a moving
> target as far as Devel::Cover is concerned.  Of course, this should make it
> more likely that there won't be any problems when 5.18.0 is released, and it
> also means that the cpantesters failure reports I get from those people
> running development releases use generally useful.
> Devel::Cover now also reports coverage for more of the files that gcov can
> exercise.
> I investigated removing the dependency on B::Deparse.  Unfortunately, that
> won't be simple, and may not be worth the effort, but I did at least reduce
> the number of calls to B::Deparse.
> Closed Github tickets:
>   52 cover ignores .cc file
> Merged pull requests:
>   47 Fix for mod_perl on Debian setting $^X to apache2
>   49 fix: respect to $Devel::Cover::Silent
> You can see the commits at
> Hours worked:
>   01.03   7:30
>   29.03   2:15
>   Total   9:45
> Total hours worked on grant: 257:35

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