On 10 April 2017 at 12:54, James E Keenan <jkee...@pobox.com> wrote:
> 7. Used a revised version of 'order-battle.pl' to record the order in
> which various modules *first* appeared in the 'fails' file and the
> total number of times each module was cited. Results are attached as
> 'order-of-battle-20170409.txt'.
> What is the "order of battle"?  It's an approximation of the order in
> which, as of today, we need to get new CPAN releases out so that
> down-river distros are no longer failing due to failures in their
> upstream dependencies.

yeah, this is looking much more like the suffering I'm seeing with vendoring.

Though query: I presume the battle list includes not only "things that
are themselves broken", but "things that are broken because their
dependencies can't be satisfied" ?

( Otherwise I can see some entries in that list and I don't know why
they're there, because I've not seen any reports )


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