I apparently CC'd the wrong list on my first attempt at posting
this message; sorry!


On Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 09:22:30PM -0700, Nathan Torkington wrote:
> > Am I leaving out any important criteria?
> Danny had a good list of other criteria. 

I agree; and it's the kind of stuff I might have thought of
*eventually*, but undoubtedly too late in the game.  Thanks, Danny!

> Ask to keep the copyright in
> your name (no good reason, it just feels better that way).  Make sure
> the rights revert when it goes out of print (and check for weasel
> words about what "out of print" means--I personally would put in
> something like "sells less than 10 printed copies a month for three
> consecutive months"). 

Interesting advice!  And I especially like the "operational
definition" of what out-of-print means.

> Talk to authors who have written for the
> publisher and see what their experiences were like.

I've tried this, but most have experience with only one publisher,
and for that reason aren't capable of making comparisons.  Hence my
appeal to this "Elite Fraternity of Perl Educators" for additional
input! 8-}

And so far, nobody's commented on my inqury regarding "help with

As a course developer with way too much experience, I'm acutely aware
of the tremendously higher cost (in time) of preparing good graphics
versus "painting word pictures".  But graphics are often distinctly
superior in getting certain kinds of points across.  So I'm curious
if publishers currently provide artistic resources to their authors.
I'm guessing they don't, judging from the conspicuous absence of
a single diagram in the Camel or the Cookbook, but thought I'd
ask anyway.

| Tim Maher, CEO, CONSULTIX  (206) 781-UNIX; (866) DOC-PERL; (866) DOC-LINUX |
|  Ph.D. & JAWCAR ("Just Another White Camel Award Recipient")               |
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