On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 02:58:13PM +0900, Dan Kogai wrote:
> My fever is down at last when I released Encode-1.66, available as 
> follows;
> Whole:
>       http://www.dan.co.jp/~dankogai/Encode-1.66.tar.gz or CPAN
> Diff against current: 264 lines
>       http://www.dan.co.jp/~dankogai/current-1.66.diff.gz
> And $Revision.

Thanks, upgraded.

A bit of noise from ext/PerlIO/t/fallback.t:

../perl -Ilib ext/PerlIO/t/fallback.t
ok 1 - opened iso-8859-1 file
"\N{U+20ac}" does not map to iso-8859-1 at ext/PerlIO/t/fallback.t line 21.
ok 2 - perlqq escapes
ok 3 - opened iso-8859-1 file
ok 4 - HTML escapes
ok 5 - Opened as ASCII
# 5c
ok 6 - Escaped non-mapped char
ok 7 - Opened as ASCII
# fffd
ok 8 - Unicode replacement char

Also, is it intentional that there is no \N{U+HHHH} syntax...?
That was planned at some point but as of there is no such thing:

../perl -Ilib -Ilib -Mcharnames=:full -e '"\N{U+20ac}"'
Unknown charname 'U+20ac' at lib/unicore/Name.pl line 1

Why not just use \x{HHHH...}?  If that's PERLQQ, that's what
I would expect?

> Changes: 1.66 $ $Date: 2002/05/01 05:41:06 $
> ! Encode.xs t/fallback.t
>    WARN_ON_ERR no longer assumes RETURN_ON_ERR so you can issue a warning
>    while fallback is in effect.  This even came with a welcome side-effect
>    of cleaner code with less nests!  Thank you, NI-XS.  t/fallback.t is
>    also modified to test this.
>    And of course, the corresponding varialbles to UV[Xx]f are 
> appropriately
>    cast.  This should've concluded NI-XS homework.
> ! Encode.pm
>    encode(undef) does warn again!  Repented upon suggestion by NI-XS.
>    Document for unless vs. '' added
>    Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> As you see, this is a NI-XS homework issue.  Now I have only djgpp to 
> left (I think.  djgpp is just soooo slow on my env.)
> Dan the Encode Maintainer

$jhi++; # http://www.iki.fi/jhi/
        # There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'.
        # It is 'dead'. -- Jack Cohen

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