* Gert Brinkmann <g...@netcologne.de> [2016-11-09 16:00]:
> open(my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', \$html);
> my $orig_stdout = select( $fh );
> print "Ümläut Test ßaß; 使用下列语言\n";

Think of it this way:

Those three lines of code are an elaborate way of doing this:

    $html = Encode::encode('UTF-8', "Ümläut Test ßaß; 使用下列语言\n");

If you wrote that code, would you be surprised that $html does not
have the UTF8 flag set afterwards?

Bonus question if you are not surprised then: what is the difference
between these two cases that makes your argument that “perl knows what
I put in there so it should know to set the UTF8 flag on it” not apply
to this?

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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