OK. I've stuck up a PPM for ActiveState Perl 5.8 at http://www.robmay.me.uk/win32gui/

It's a build from today's CVS head revision, after I checked in the last few fixes I had in my local repository.

I made the following changes before building:
- GUI.pm - changed $VERSION to be '1.01_01' (i.e. v1.01 release candidate 1)
- GUI.pm - added  line $VERSION = eval $VERSION;  (see perldoc perlmodstyle)
- README.TXT - added some works on installing using PPM and set version/dates

For anyone interested, the build steps I took are below.

Is there anyone with a V5.6 Perl who would like to see if they can build a corresponding release candidate?


(1) Create the MinGW Makefile:
perl Makefile_m.pl BINARY_LOCATION=Win32-GUI.tar.gz
(BINARY_LOCATION is used as the HREF field for CODEBASE in the PPD file)

(2) Modify the Makefile to get GUI.ddl size down:
(a) remove -g from LDDLFLAGS
(b) remove -g -O2 from CCFLAGS
(c) change -O2 to -Os in OPTIMIZE

(3) Make

(4) Create the documentation:
cd docs
perl dodoc.pl
perl dohtml.pl
cd ..

(5) Copy the html docs to the build tree:
mkdir blib\html
mkdir blib\html\site
mkdir blib\html\site\lib
mkdir blib\html\site\lib\Win32
mkdir blib\html\site\lib\Win32\GUI
copy docs\html\*.html blib\html\site\lib\Win32\GUI

(6) Copy the samples to the build tree
mkdir blib\lib\Win32\GUI\demos
copy samples\* blib\lib\Win32\GUI\demos

(7) create the PPD file
nmake ppd

(8) Create the distribution
tar cvf Win32-GUI.tar blib
gzip -9 Win32-GUI.tar

(9) Create the Win32::GUI PPM file
mkdir Win32-GUI-1.01RC1-PPM-5.8
move Win32-GUI.tar.gz Win32-GUI-1.01RC1-PPM-5.8
move Win32-GUI.ppd Win32-GUI-1.01RC1-PPM-5.8
copy README.txt Win32-GUI-1.01RC1-PPM-5.8\README.TXT
zip -r9 Win32-GUI-1.01RC1-PPM-5.8.zip Win32-GUI-1.01RC1-PPM-5.8

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