Jeremy White sagte:
> I'm sure if you ask Aldo for permissions to commit changes, he'll add you
> (or, indeed anyone else).

Attached are todays patches:

fix and enhance docs for Timer.
fix Kill() do destroy the Timer, not as described before.
change default interval to 10 [ms] since 1 is invalid and set to 10 on
most NT's.
allow circular reference to parent for perl > 5.6 (Timer, NotifyIcon).
do Kill on Interval(0) as described in Tutorial/Part4.

Note that the default AUTOLOAD method should be enhanced to catch any
undef $control and call DESTROY, and help in circular refs to the parent.

Timers will print something like
t/05_Menu................ok 3/3 (in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on
an undefined value at ../Win32/ line 2700 during global destruction.
because the DESTROY method is not called. This is mainly beautification.

Attachment: 20050705.patch.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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