
I was hoping to target a new release for the end of August, but got caught up in other stuff, and continue to be busy for the next few weeks, at least.

I had hoped to complete the following items for the next release:
- fix as many of the trackers as possible
- get all the current sample code to work properly
- include all the examples from the tutorial (and check that they all work :-) , fixing the tutorial as necessary
- work on the test suite
- get a semi-decent web-page up as our Homepage at SourceForge.

So where are we:
- There's quite a few fixes in CVS.
- Tracker: 1262098 (mousemove and -ve positions) I have a non-checked-in fix for.

- I haven't looked at the samples code
- I haven't looked at the tutorials

- There's been some extensions to the test suite

- I'm working on the website: making it easier to maintain and update the documentation; adding a search capability; adding a wiki. This is all pretty much ready to go live.

I think there's enough change to justify a new release - if there's anything you really want/need in the next release let me know, otherwise I'll build some release candidates for people to play with, and depending on feedback turn it into a formal 1.03 release.

The rest of the items will have to wait for the next release cycle.

Any comments?


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