Reini Urban wrote:
2. In Makefile for gnu make the "-" before cp didn't work for me to copy the demos. So I changed that to

        $(MKPATH) $(INST_DEMO)
        $(CP) samples/*.pl $(INST_DEMO)
        $(CP) samples/*.cur $(INST_DEMO)
        $(CP) samples/*.bmp $(INST_DEMO)
        $(CP) samples/*.ico $(INST_DEMO)

Otherwise the errorlevel is set:
cp samples/* blib/lib/Win32/GUI/demos
cp: omitting directory `samples/CVS'
make: [demos] Error 1 (ignored)

That look like it is expected to. The "-" before the cp results in the "(ignored)" on the last line: cp is returning a non-zero exit status, but make (which would normally abort when this happens), is ignoring it and continuing.

I know that "-" should suppress the make errorlevel breakout. Hmm. Something really weird.

Really? It looks like it is doing what it is supposed to. Are the demo files not copied?

3. gnu make, make test, make install doesn't recurse into the subdirs Win32-GUI-AxWindow, Win32-GUI-DIBitmap, Win32-GUI-Grid
That's by design. None of those 3 modules can be built (as far as I know) with gcc, as they rely on one or other of the MFC or ATL frameworks, which only come with MS compilers.

Ok, I'll port them then. Shouldn't be that hard to produce
import libs on the fly for those MS dll's.
Just the names will have to be redecorated. Some .def file munging.

My suspicion is that it's harder than simply producing a few lib*.lib files - there's a whole set of header files that I doubt are available for Cygwin (but I haven't looked in any detail). If you do look at this, and have success, then I'd be very interested in your notes, so that I can do something similar for MinGW. Please let me know how you get on.


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