Danny Zak wrote:
> Dear perl-win32-gui-users,
>   hm.. again .. i'm really happy with the win32 development..
>   i got some simple questions (or more like a wishlist :) )
>   * is there a spreadsheet (grid) look-a-like solution or
>   component ?

no, but I'm thinking about implementing one (just thinking
for now :-).

>   * is there a inline webbrowser somewhere ? or a HTML or
>   XML parser ?

no, and I don't think I will try to implement one :-)
you should instead look at Win32::OLE, to see if you can
embed an InternetExplorer instance in a window.
that said, it seems that RichEdit 3.0 (available in
Windows 2000) has a lot of nice features, that I'll try to
implement if time permits.

>   * is there support for JPG or common image formats like
>   .PNG or .GIF? since i only found how to open a BITMAP image
>   (i assume this is a .BMP file)

yes, support is for .BMP files only. there is something in
the Win32 API about JPGs, but I have not yet investigated it

>   what about licensing ? if i develop a product in perl with
>   usage of the win32::gui module, and I spread (well lets asume
>   for FREE) to the public.. is it still under GNU license or do
>   we have to pay the win32::gui team something ?

no, you don't have to pay anything. I'm not a lawyer and I don't
want to pay a lawyer :-)
Win32::GUI is released under the Artistic License, eg. you can
redistribute it under the same terms of Perl itself.


$_=q,just perl,,s, , another ,,s,$, hacker,,print;

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