Hi Everybody
First of all I must say I'm completely new to the Win32::GUI module programming
 (and Win32 in general) - I just installed (on Win'98 and latest version of 
ActiveState Perl) binary version fetched from sourceforge.  Getting to the 
point - to get the length and 
width of some font text I tried to use GetTextExtentPoint32 t but  I failed to 
find the
way to specify font to be affected in return value. 
I tried:

$Window->GetTextExtentPoint32($font, "some text");

$Window->SelectObject($Window->{DC}, $font);
$Window->GetTextExtentPoint32("some text");

$Window->GetTextExtentPoint32("some text");

In both cases $font was created by new WIN32::GUI::Font method and 
successfully aplied to Paint method (TextOut). No matter the -size and 
-name was the return value was the same.


PS. Perhaps I missed something It's very late in the night.

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