Hi all,

I try to migrate an existing application from 558
to 665 and I am stuck because subclassing doesn't
(seem to) work in this version...
I subclass rich edit controls to make them mouse-
and keystroke-aware:

my $EditorClass = new Win32::GUI::Class(
  -name => "Editor",
  -extends => "RichEdit",
  -widget => "RichEdit",

my $redAllMessages = $winMain->AddRichEdit(
  -class     => $EditorClass,
  -name     => "RedMessages",
  -text     => "",
  -left     => 0,
  -top      => 0,
  -addstyle => WS_TABSTOP |
               WS_CHILD |
               WS_VISIBLE |
               WS_HSCROLL |
               WS_VSCROLL |
               ES_LEFT |
               ES_READONLY |
  -addexstyle  => WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,

This works for "LButtonDown" and "MouseMove"
events and helps to implement sorts of "links"
and a custom cursor shape.
Is there a way to achieve this in version 665?
Should I wait for 772 :)?
Please advise...


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