Here is a GridLayout module that I based on
Java's GridLayout Manager. This only goes on
top of Win32::GUI. So.... there are two things
to consider. That is.... declare the 'widget' width
and height before declaring its placement with the
'-left' and '-top' AND make up for when declaring
the GridLayout::new the parmaters are.....

  $grid = GridLayout::new(3,4,400,300,5,0);
  3 - columns
  4 - rows
  400 - window width
  300 - window height
  5 - xPadding( space between widget and cell border )
  0 - yPadding

sample declaration ---

    -name => "label1",
    -width => $grid->width(35),
    -height => $grid->height(11),
    -left => $grid->column(1, "l"), # 1st column, left aligned
    -top => $grid->row(1, "t"),  # 1st row, top aligned
    -text => "Label 1",

i have had to 'play' with the widget sizes to get things exactly
where i want them but this module at least does a good job
of putting things pretty close to where I want them right away
which makes the 'futsing' a lot easier.

Hope someone finds it useful...

Later all,
Mike Kangas

Bryan wrote:

> Hi. A while back someone asked about the possibility of displaying data in a
> table or grid format. I was wondering if any information on that had
> surfaced since the post? I saw mention in the archives of a GridLayout
> module, anyone know where I can find some more info on that? I'm working on
> a program that requires that format of data display and I'm stumped as to
> how to go about doing it. Any info on the topic would be appriciated.
> Thanks.
> -Bryan

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