> > From: David Hiltz
> > Have you evaluated using Perl/Tk?
> > Maybe it's just me but I can't get perltk stuff to run with perl2exe ...
> One thing that Tk has which Win32-GUI doesn't is the ability to
> position (pack) controls on a form, or at least have a provisional go.
> I dare say I wont be the first or last to ask this, but surely someone
> has used Win32-GUI to write a graphical form designer. It took me 3
> hours the other night just to get a window centred on the desktop
> containing a bitmap, a label and two buttons! It such an obvious need.

  I've written (with much help from Aldo) a Win32::GUI builder which allows
  you to drag, place and size components (buttons, labels, etc).  It allows
  you to save the design and reload it.  It will also, with some success,
  read Win32::GUI code not built with the designer - more work to be done in
  this area.
  I've started on the next version which adds more components (treeview,
  listview, status bar and rich edit).  I've also added the ability to
  allow placement and sizing of BMP files.

> As for Perl2exe, yes it would be great to stop the users stealing /
> modifying my code.

  I'm not concerned about that, I like to just hand a user one EXE without
  having them install Perl.

> Only briefly experimented with Perl2Exe - the executables produced seem a
> bit fat to me. 

  1.5meg is not bad - most of it is the Perl interpreter and


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