Hello, I am relatively new to Perl and have had no success in modifying
an old data extraction program to work.  It is executed with the
following .bat command line code:

C:\Perl\bin\perl fbi2xls.pl *.fbi
copy /y allunits.xls c:\cavedog\totala\docs\allunits.xls

Unfortunately, while individual files may be sucessfully extracted,
wildcard "*" is not honoured.  I have tried lengthy searches and several
mode to the following program (below) without sucess (I run WIN98SE).
Can someone help!

Best regards,
Daniel Paris

Fbi2xls.pl program:

#!perl -w
# usage: perl fbi2xls.pl *.fbi
# converts .fbi files into comma-delimited text for excel

@headers = ();

for $filename (@ARGV) {
  print "reading $filename\n";

  open(FBI,"<$filename") || die "can't open $filename: $!";

  while(<FBI>) {
    s/^\s+//;                   # remove leading whitespace
    s/\s+$//;                   # remove trailing whitespace
    s/;$//;                     # remove trailing semicolon

    next if /^$/;               # ignore blank lines
    next if /^\[UNITINFO\]$/;   # ignore header
    next if /^\{$/;             # ignore opening brace
    next if /^\}$/;             # ignore closing brace

    ($header,$value) = split(/\s*=\s*/,$_,2);

    $entry{$filename}{$header} = $value;

    if(!$header_exists{$header}) {
      $header_exists{$header} = 1;
      push @headers,$header;
  close FBI;

# open XLS file and print header line
open (XLS,">allunits.xls") || die "can't create allunits.xls: $!";
print XLS join("\t",@headers) . "\n";

# print out unit data
for $filename (@ARGV) {
  for $header (@headers) {
    $value = $entry{$filename}{$header};
    $value = "" unless defined($value);
    print XLS "$value\t";
  print XLS "\n";
close XLS;

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