"$Bill Luebkert" wrote:
> Rodeo Red wrote:
> >
> > Yes I have looked through that and it seems to completely skip over
> > setting up the files for a simple form that uses a perl script. I have
> > looked at numerous books and they tell you how to do perl once it is set
> > up- but theres very little on how it is supposed to be set up on my
> > computer.
> Try a CGI site or book.

I'm sorry perhaps I'm not being very clear. Thank you for your patience
as I try to get a clue. 
I have looked at many books and all the links I can find but I don't see
what I'm looking for. 

I can use the perl installed on my website but thats not what I'm asking
I have a perl installed on my computer. I can invoke the perl interprter
on my computer using the example in the eg directory through the command
line, but I don't know how to get a form on a web page on my computer to
access the perl interpreter on my computer.    

   "Paul Popour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> suggested two web pages, but
all the examples I see on those pages use  
which is for accessing perl on a web server, which is not what I'm
trying to do. 

In my admittedly newbie opinion, along with the installation, there
should be a simple example of a web page which uses the perl interpreter
installed on my computer. Why didn't active state include any such
example ?   How do I set up such an example ? Where is there a book or a
web page which talks about this specific thing I'm trying to do ?  

The reason I need it is so I can see the proper directory and file
structure to set up a script correctly.
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