
I can't solve problem, help please.
I've create script for findin empty cell in Excel:

        for ($iCell = 2; ($Cell ne ""); $iCell++) { #Defining
last busy row in A column

                $Cells = $Sheet->Range("A$iCell");
                $Cell = $Cells->{Value}; #get the contents at
(row=A$iCell, col=1) RW

                open (DEBUG,
'>>c:\\mydocu~1\\Perl\\Temp\\debug.txt') or die "Can't
open debug.txt.\n";
                print (DEBUG "Value for cell A$iCell is:  $Cell\n");
                close (DEBUG);

                print ("A$iCell - $Cell\n");

        } #End of for ($iCell

When script find empty cell it send message: "Use of
uninitialized value in string ne at...."
and program finished.

What problem is? How to avoid this problem.


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