
Is anybody know some module that behave like JVM in
IE, and how to use it.

I need to read information from page, URL to which is
posable to get only from source, and link is invoking
java applet. When I tried to copy shortcut from link I
got "javascript:void(0);".

This is URL I got from source file:


They open pages in IE good, but when I put them into
perl code to save it and read later, all necessary
information gone.

This is code I use:

use LWP::Simple;

#SavePage must get specified page, save it, and
prepare it for analyzing
#       If specified file exists, clean it out.
#       SavePage use LWP::Simple
#       It accept 2 arguments: URL and File Name to store
        #It converts:
        #       Lowercase everything
        #       Double quotes to single
        #       Get rid of the linefeeds
        #       Compress spaces/tabs

sub SavePage {

local *PAGE;
my ($URL) = shift(@_);
my ($Name) = shift(@_);

my $i = 1;
my $bGot = 1;

my ($Page) = get ($URL); # Get the page
        if($Page eq '') {
                print ("Page is empty
                until ( $i == 3) { # 3 times try to get page

                        print ("Page didn't got

                        sleep (2);
                        $Page = get ($URL); # Get the page

                        if($Page ne '') {
                                print ("Page DOES got
                                $bGot = 0;

                }# End of trying to get page

                unless ($bGot == 0) {
                        die "The starting URL was not valid.

        $Page =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;  # Lowercase everything
        $Page =~ s/"/'/g;     # Double quotes to single
        $Page =~ s/
/ /g;     # Get rid of the linefeeds
        $Page =~ s/s+/ /g;    # Compress spaces/tabs

        open (PAGE, ">$Name") or die "Can't open page.txt.
        print PAGE "$Page
        #close (PAGE);

}        # *PAGE automatically closes/disappears here

Thanks for any help.


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