> If I understand the problem domain correctly, this has to do 
> with language support for OLE.  Python, like VB (I think), 
> supports both early and late OLE bindings.  Perl, at least to 
> the best of my knowledge, only supports late OLE bindings.
> There's no reason that this support couldn't be added into 
> Perl, except that it's non-trivial to do so.  It's not really 
> about Perl vs. Python, it's about the availability of certain 
> software utilities.
> See my earlier remarks:
>    http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/1037935
> Anyone should feel free to correct me about any of this ... I 
> may be way off base.

Wow.  I had no idea.  List readers: Can Perl do something like this?  I've
not heard of such a utility for us.

Oh no!  I'm getting python envy...

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