I have a small script that when called gives a username and password text 
box and a submit button.

        <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=text/css href=\"../frame/global.css\">
        <body bgcolor=\"#eeeeee\">
        <table width=\"242\" height=\"25\" border=\"0\">
        <form action=\"test.pl\" method=\"post\">
        <tr><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"user\"></td></tr>
        <tr><td><input type=\"password\" name=\"pass\"></td></tr>
        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"auth\" value=\"pass\">
        <tr><td><input class=formButton type=\"submit\" value=\"Enter\"></td></tr>

I predefien the username and password in my script like so.

unless($query->param('user') =~ /letmein/) {
        print qq(Invalid User Name);


This works great if I type in "letmein" but if I type in "letmeinasfafd" it 
stall lets me in?

Any suggestions on how to make this work for the exact user and pass.
Thanks in advance.


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