-----Original Message-----
From: Arul, Rex [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Subject: Problem Converting a Timestamp in Excel

> Hello Friends, 
> In the Excel spreadsheet, I am trying to cull out data, there 
> is a column with values of this format: 22:15 (10:15:00 PM)
> However, while trying to get the data, I am getting decimal 
> values of this format(for the same 10:15:00 PM): 0.927083333333333 
> I am sure the Perl code is seeing it not as an object of OLE::Variant 
> or any other Excel object type, as my code is returning nothing when 
> I use the ref function for all the cells of the particular column. If 
> it did, then I could have used the Value() function of OLE::Variant class.
> Please help. 
> Thanks, 
> Rex 

I would say that it IS seing it as a variant type

Try forcing the type like so:

use strict;

use Win32::OLE qw(in with);
use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel';
use Win32::OLE::Variant;
use Win32::OLE::NLS qw(:LOCALE :DATE :TIME);

my $Excel = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application');

   my $Book = $Excel->{ActiveWorkbook};
   my $Sheet = $Book->Worksheets("Sheet1");
   my $dt = Variant(VT_DATE, $Sheet->Range("a2")->{Value});

  ## A2 has your decimal value, You can also input a time value, 
  ## (10:22:54 pm) and it will work
    print $dt->Time, "\n";
    print $dt->Time("hh.mm.ss tt"), "\n";


The following is directly from the ::Variant docs


Converts the VARIANT into a formatted time string.  FORMAT can be either
one of the following integer constants or a format string:

        LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE   system default time format for this locale
        TIME_NOMINUTESORSECONDS don't use minutes or seconds
        TIME_NOSECONDS          don't use seconds
        TIME_NOTIMEMARKER       don't use a time marker
        TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT  always use a 24-hour time format

The constants are available from the Win32::OLE::NLS module:

        use Win32::OLE::NLS qw(:LOCALE :TIME);

The following elements can be used to construct a time format string.
Characters must be specified exactly as given below (e.g. "dd" B<not> "DD").
Spaces can be inserted anywhere between formating codes, other verbatim
text should be included in single quotes.

        h       hours; 12-hour clock
        hh      hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour
        H       hours; 24-hour clock
        HH      hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour
        m       minutes
        mm      minutes with leading zero for single-digit minutes
        s       seconds
        ss      seconds with leading zero for single-digit seconds
        t       one character time marker string, such as A or P
        tt      multicharacter time marker string, such as AM or PM


Chuck Charbeneau
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