That is two entirely separate things. Both of which I too have been trying 
to figure out. As usual the documentation goes on at length, and yet 
somehow never tells you what you want to know :)

In case someone wants to give an example, specifically, this page for the 
HTML download:

I figure I can parse out the time fairly easily. It's the only font 
size="7" on the page and the only match to dd:dd:dd.

And I don't have a server at the moment , or know anyone friendly with a 
form that we could submit data to but any search engine is an open form is 
it not? The example in the documentation is almost certainly broken. I 
think this is the code to send form data (but I may be confused about that 
as well:), and if it is "BugGlimpse," if it ever was, is no more.

   # Create a user agent object
   use LWP::UserAgent;
   $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
   $ua->agent("MyApp/0.1 ");
   # Create a request
   my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => 
   # Pass request to the user agent and get a response back
   my $res = $ua->request($req);
   # Check the outcome of the response
   if ($res->is_success) {
       print $res->content;
   } else {
       print "Bad luck this time\n";


At 01:03 PM 9/2/02, you wrote:
>I am interested in creating a Perl agent to log into a
>website and download pages for me.
>Basically I want to submit a form using this agent.
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