On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 13:29:26 -0700, "Jack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>It seems that [Perl-Win32-Users] is now a standard string in the subject line. I
>assume this was implemented because of the recent thread discussion?
>I like it - but there were others with very good points on why they don't like
>it, so:
>Q: Will this continue? i.e. can I change my rules wizard?

I have no idea who turned this on, but I hope it will not continue.

I think it makes a mailing list unreadable, unless you actually read every
message as it comes in and don't really care about the subject line and
threading.  It is tolerable on a low volume mailing list, but I think
totally inappropriate for this one.

I'll try to hunt down the culprit and punish him or her! :)


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