On Wed, 22 Oct 2003, Sisyphus wrote:

> I see you've retained the '-g' switch in the optimise flags. That should 
> mean that your perl.exe and perl58.dll are quite large, in comparison to 
> my perl.exe (10.4 kb) and my perl58.dll (1.12 mb). 

-rwxr-xr-x    1 greg     unknown    248397 Oct 21 14:14 perl.exe
-rwxr-xr-x    1 greg     unknown   3712427 Oct 21 14:14 perl58.dll

> I've only just now realised that the info in Readme.win32 has changed 
> from when I first built perl with gcc - and no longer refers to that 
> site, but instead refers one directly to MingW. So people might find it 
> hard to make sense of some of my statements in this thread - those which 
> were based on the false belief that 'Readme.win32' had not changed 
> significantly with recent perl releases. (I suspect that there's nothing 
> to be gained from sticking to gcc-2.95.2.)

I got the impression there were weren't any really signifcant changes.
If you are using gcc-2.95.2, makefile.mk probably hasn't changed significantly.
Apparently there is some C++ code in the ext/ modules and for gcc-3.2 you
have to set the linker to g++. That was a change to makefile.mk between
5.8.0 and 5.8.1, although I wonder if it also made it into the source for AP806.

Greg Matheson, Taiwan
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