On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 17:10:48 -0800, Jeff Griffiths <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Jeff!  :)

>1. even though we set up IIS for Perl CGI during the MSI install, you also
>have to manually 'Allow' the extension in the Internet Information
>Services Manager under 'WebService Extensions'. This is because IIS6
>turns everything OFF by default.

We actually add two settings to IIS Manager: "Perl CGI" and "Perl ISAPI" in
ActivePerl 807.  Both are "Prohibited" by default because we choose it that
way.  It is in the spirit of Windows Server 2003: Everything is locked down
unless specifically enabled.

>2. some coding practices commonly used by perl cgi authors can cause
>extreme slowdowns vs IIS5. Specifically, if you use lots of small print
>statements on your page, your zippy performing script on IIS5 will bog
>down on IIS6.

All your comments below apply only to Perl for ISAPI (perlis.dll) and PerlEx,
but *not* to Perl CGI scripts using perl.exe.


>This is because IIS6 apparently creates a new packet to send for each
>print up to a certain size. If you throw a lot of data at it, it is my 
>it will be chunked out, however small amounts of data eg
>print "hi";
>print $var;
>will be sent directly out as separate packets. Scripts that use
>excessive amounts of 'print'-ing will suffer from poor performance due to
>network overhead. This is very different from IIS 5 which will buffer
>output and send out packets of a reasonable size, at a cost of 200 msec
>If anyone else on the list has personal experience running Perl CGI on
>Windows Server 2003, feel free to share your experience, refute my
>claims, etc.
>best regards,
>Jeff Griffiths, Technical Support
>ActiveState, a division of Sophos
>Huub Peters wrote:
>> Like I said before, I have a strong feeling it has something to do 
>> with SP4, that's the main difference between the new and the old 
>> machine. I've seen the list of all the changes and fixes that SP4 
>> contains but it's huge. I had no idea what to look for but your tip 
>> might just narrow it down.
>> We're gonna dive into this but I'm still open for other suggestions. 
>> Anything, anyone can come up with is welcome!
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