On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 15:12:06 -0500, Thomas, Mark - BLS CTR
> > I would like to get some opinions on what is safter,
> > hidden fields or cookies?
> You might be surprised to hear both are equally insecure. In either case,
> you're sending data to a browser, and you're assuming the browser will send
> it back to you unchanged. Yet either can be manipulated.
> The best thing to do is avoid sending important data to the browser
> altogether. You can use a sessionID as the previous poster mentions, but be
> sure you keep in mind that the SessionID can be manipulated so make sure you
> build the proper controls in place to handle that.

 This is a VERY interesting thread-   It all depends on your needs,
but security is getting more and more of a legal issue so ...

Most websites include both... cookies for the session handling and
hidden fields for the login handshake. Use an SSL/TLS web page for
login/signup. everything else is  OK to use in cookies, IF there are
no passwords "in the clear".

That brings up the basic philosophy you should follow;   don't leave
"tracks" in your client-level HTML code that a bad person can follow
to get into your website.... no decryption logic or HTML comments like
"// decode base64 here"  (I know it sounds dumb, but I admit;  mea

If this thread gets deeper, maybe we can all have a security discussion.

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