Chris Sent on 2 May 2005 16:02:02 -0400:

> I can now turn the %hash into text, but I don't understand
> how to make it correctly formatted.
> -----------------------------------
> %hash = (
>       'John' => {
>               'eyes' => 'green',
>               'hair' => 'brown',
>               'clothes' => {  'boots'=>'black','shirt'=>'green'       }
>       },
>       'Jane' => {
>               'height' => '6',
>               'weight' => '120',
>               'clothes' => {  'skirt'=>'white','sandals'=>'tan'}
>       }
> );
> use Data::Dumper;
> print Dumper(%hash);
> ----------------------------------
> This returns the following...
> $VAR1 = 'Jane';
> $VAR2 = {
>           'clothes' => {'sandals' => 'tan','skirt' => 'white'},
>           'weight' => '120',
>           'height' => '6'
>         };
> $VAR3 = 'John';
> $VAR4 = {
>           'clothes' => {'shirt' => 'green','boots' => 'black'},
>           'hair' => 'brown',
>           'eyes' => 'green'
>         };
> This is close to the original, but not correct.
Why is it incorrect?  I don't see anything wrong with it.


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