Hirosi Taguti sent on 27 Jul 2005 14:22:16 +0900:

> I was searching the way to Automate Outlook Messaging.
> And has found some of modules, Win32::MAPI, Mail::Outlook...
> I tried these modules and tried to write scripts using OLE "MAPI.session",
> but I got popups asking me password or Yes/No on mail addrs.
> I found CAVEATS on some recent security patches at:
> http://search.cpan.org/~barbie/Mail-Outlook-0.08/lib/Mail/Outlook/Message.pm
> I like to know more...
> Can't it be possible to Automate Outlook Messaging?
> Can someone points the URL of MS's security patches.

Perhaps www.outlookcode.com would help?

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