Suresh Govindachar sent on 31 Jul 2005 04:17:37 +0000:

>  robert pointed out on 30 Jul 2005 19:25:39 -0700 that, 
>      unlike Internet Explorer, the Mozilla Firefox browser
>      can display the following link without errors
> However, that doesn't answer the original question
> sent on 30 Jul 2005 15:20:55 +0000:
>> I would like to show multiple addresses on a map -- from a "user
>> PC" (rather than from a "web-server").  I am hoping to have a perl
>> script read in a list of addresses and generate a html page.  All
>> the input addresses would be within about 20 miles of each other;
>> and each address in the list would have a html link associated
>> with it.  Viewing the html page generated by the perl script in a
>> browser should show a map with markers for each address in the
>> list.  Clicking on the marker should open a new browser for the
>> html link associated with that address.
>> Can the preceding be done?  Any suggestions?
> Incidentally, looking at
> (note no .pl at the end) displays code which seems to print to the
> browser the way a cgi script would.  So I gather HTML::GoogleMaps is
> meant to be used in a cgi script.

Actually, the fact that that script prints to a browser as a cgi
script would can be overcome by having a corresponding .pl script
print to a file and then opening the file in a browser.  The actual
restriction to a web-server is likely to come from HTTP::GoogleMaps'
use of the "key" parameter -- the "key" is provided by Google to
people who submit the web-server they would like to use the key
from.  So I suppose Google validates the key sent in with 
each request with the location from where the request is coming
from before responding to the request.  


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