Ng, Bill wrote: 

        > Performance isn't really what I'm going for, just simpler code.
  > For the past 4 years, I've been coding to get the job done, no
  > matter how many lines it takes or how ugly it is to read, as
  > long as it works that's fine.  But recently you guys have shown
  > me how to simplify my code and make things infinitely easier to
  > read.  So for the past day or so I've been writing a script that
  > does some log file zipping/deleting based on last-modified time
  > and I'm trying to do it as "neatly" as possible.  Entire script
  > runs in less than 30 seconds so performance isn't much of an
  > issue, just looking to tidy up the code.  Thanks again.

  Given your present mind-set, I suspect you'll benefit from
  critically thinking about the issues Damian Conway raises and
  addresses in his "Perl Best Practices" -- consider not just the
  issues he raises and his resolution of them -- consider also
  whether the issues he raises are valid and whether he has missed
  any issues.


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