
My current DOS background color is white with Black text. I use ANSIColor
module to print error messages in Red color. I use the Color command and I
face two issues:

1. The Red color error message text thats printed on DOS has black
background, instead of white only.
2. On typing CLS the background color changes to black and text color
changes to white.

What is my Expectation:
1. On prinitng the text in red color should not have the background color
black but use the current DOS background color(White in my case).

2. On doing CLS on DOS, the dos should maintain its background color(White
in my case) rather then setting it to default black background color.

My Code:
use Win32::Console::ANSI;
use Term::ANSIColor;
print color "Bold Red";
print "ERROR_MSG = xyz";
print color 'reset';

Any help is much appreciated.

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