Greetings Perl-win32-users,

I need to run a dos program with parameters about 1500 times with different 
parameter sets. I have a perl script that creates batch files with the program 
call and parameters and these work fine. I am trying to find a way to 
automatically run all the batch files. The dos program also requires 
confirmation from the keyboard 7 time to run to completion. If I run the 
program from a batch file I just need to hit "enter" 7 times before the first 
one is needed and the program runs to completion so the keystrokes are buffered 
and used by the program appropriately. 

Is there any way to run this program from perl and have the perl script supply 
the 7 required enters? I don't understand enough about threads and processes to 
figure out how this might be done. I have tried calling the batch files using 
system, backticks and system and can not get even close. 

Best regards,
Spencer Chase
67550 Bell Springs Rd.
Garberville, CA 95542  Postal service only.
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(707) 984-8356
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