Hello group,

Most of my perl programming is on unix; my windows knowledge is limited.
So, please be gentle ;-)

I have an app that produces data files on one unix machine, then uses
scp to move those over to another machine for further processing. The
system architecture dictates the two-machine arrangement. Management
has asked me to port that app to a windows-based system with the same
two-machine architecture.

I don't know of a free (as in both beer and non-beer) windows equivalent
to scp OR sftp. I'm seeking advice on a solid, dependable, and secure way
to move
files between machines without incurring additional expense. I've wondered
there may be Perl modules that will map drives and copy files across that
do so on an automated schedule, and I've been searching CPAN. But before
heading too far down that path, I thought I'd ask the list for advice.



Dennis Daupert, PhD
Senior Systems Development Professional -- CSC Account

GOS | o: 1.317.298.9499 | ddaup...@csc.com | www.csc.com

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