>  -------Original Message-------
>  From: Dennis Daupert <ddaup...@csc.com>
>  Subject: Advice requested, porting unix perl app to windows
>  Sent: Jun 03 '09 09:42
>  Hello group,
>  Most of my perl programming is on unix; my windows knowledge is limited.
>  So, please be gentle ;-)
>  I have an app that produces data files on one unix machine, then uses
>  scp to move those over to another machine for further processing. The
>  system architecture dictates the two-machine arrangement. Management
>  has asked me to port that app to a windows-based system with the same
>  two-machine architecture.
>  I don't know of a free (as in both beer and non-beer) windows equivalent
>  to scp OR sftp. I'm seeking advice on a solid, dependable, and secure way
>  to move
>  files between machines without incurring additional expense. I've wondered
>  whether
>  there may be Perl modules that will map drives and copy files across that
>  would
>  do so on an automated schedule, and I've been searching CPAN. But before
>  heading too far down that path, I thought I'd ask the list for advice.
>  best,
>  /dennis
>  ------------------------------------------------
>  Dennis Daupert, PhD
>  Senior Systems Development Professional -- CSC Account
>  CSC

It is not completely clear to me from the question, if the requirement is to 
windows<->windows or windows<->unix

If the former, perhaps there is no need of additional modules. File::Copy 
handles UNC 
path just fine...as in:

use File::Copy;

copy("\\\\servername\\sharename\\dirname\\file.txt  $destPathName") or die $!;

Samba would enable the same method between OS platforms.

 - Lynn.
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