[] On Behalf Of
Perl Perl
Sent: 04 June 2009 17:22
Subject: inserting the file paths in between the two arrays ( text
widget ) : Perl/TK

> Dear All,
>           I have written a script, which has to enter the file path
(Paths ), in between the text. For this I 
> have used below approach.
> 1) I divide the file in two parts, in which file path(s) has to be
>      -> Here @File_Part1 stores the first prart of file.
>      -> @File_Part2 stores the second part of file.
> 2) Then script will capture the file path entry into @File_Parth
> 3) Now I will insert the @File_Path array in between @File_Part1 and
@File_Part2, to achive our goal.
>       But the problem is, The widget is diplaying(inserting) only last
file pathselected with Tk::Pathenty. But > my aim is to insert the
number of file path as selected with Tk::PathEntry tk module.
> Plese help me to overcome this. Please find the code below for your
kind reference.

> ## This function will the capture the file path entrires and store
into an array, @File_Part.
> sub Capture {
>  @File_Path =$path;

You have just told Perl to replace the contents of @File_Path with
$path. That is, the array will only ever contain the last value that is
assigned to it. I would guess that you would prefer to append the $path
to the array. In which case see 'perldoc -f push'.

>  #open (FILE,">>f1.txt") or die "Can't open $!";
>         #foreach (@File_Path) {
>  # print FILE $_;
>  # $t -> insert ("end", $_);
>  #}
> }


Brian Raven 
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