I have a very simple script using Win32::OLE that works perfectly on my
machine but not on other people's machines and I can't figure out why.

The script is as follows:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::OLE;
my $oAccess;

$oAccess = Win32::OLE->new('Access.Application') or die "Unable to start

When I run it on my machine, it successfully runs a Public Function called
AutomationTest in my database.  This function writes two files to the cwd, a
text file and a simple Excel spreadsheet.

When I run this script on other people's machines, the script executes (same
OS, same version of ActiveState Perl (5.10.1), same database, same
permissions) but the files are not written, which suggests the automation is
not working.  No errors are generated.  The script runs, but there are no
files produced.

Again, it works on my machine, not on theirs, with apparently the very same
conditions.  I even tried sharing my Perl folder so another user could be
assured he was running the same version of the module and Perl.

I am at my wit's end.  Any help would be appreciated.

Can you think of any reason such a simple application of the Win32::OLE
module would work on one machine and not on another?

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