Hello Perl forum.
I am attempting to parse a file that contains a format I am not familiar with. 
I read in a record and assign it to $string.
$string = "N o r m a n d v i l l e A d m i n"
When I dump the string using this code,
while ($string =~ /./g)
   print "$& and " . ord($&) . " length " . length($&);

I get
  and 0 length 1
N and 78 length 1
  and 0 length 1
o and 111 length 1
  and 0 length 1
r and 114 length 1
  and 0 length 1
m and 109 length 1
  and 0 length 1
a and 97 length 1
  and 0 length 1
n and 110 length 1
  and 0 length 1
d and 100 length 1
  and 0 length 1
v and 118 length 1
  and 0 length 1
i and 105 length 1
  and 0 length 1
l and 108 length 1
  and 0 length 1
l and 108 length 1
  and 0 length 1
e and 101 length 1
  and 0 length 1
A and 65 length 1
  and 0 length 1
d and 100 length 1
  and 0 length 1
m and 109 length 1
  and 0 length 1
i and 105 length 1
  and 0 length 1
n and 110 length 1
  and 0 length 1
Can someone answer two questions for me please?
1. What format does this represent?
2. What function or library or regexp can I use to convert the string to the 
basic ASCII so that all these null codes go away? (In other words, I want to 
convert $string to "NormandvilleAdmin")
Thank you
Paul Rousseau
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