Hi all,
This Thursday I moved to Strakonice at last so I wanted you to know 
what is the current situation. I got a position of an assistant of a 
personal records manager (hope the translation is OK). So far it 
seems everything will be OK. The computer is a terrible crap, of 
course not connected to anything but power, but I should be able to 
leave the barracks every day (just like you leave from your job) and 
that on all weekends I shell be free and go to Prague. So I believe I 
will be more accessible than before. Even though my weekends now 
belong to Jitka - hope she'll let me see my computer now and then.
If I'll be good boy ;-)

See you all, Jenda

== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == http://Jenda.McCann.cz ==
            FUCK THE ARMY!

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