> Hi. I am a unix-based programmer who is new to Activeperl and ppm. I am
> writing a new module and trying to prepare it for installation. But when i
> try to nmake Makefile, I get an error that Extutils:Makemaker cannot be
> located. I did a "search" in ppm and Extutils is not listed, nor is it
> listed on activestate's repository site. I've preused this mail list but
> cannot locate anything that specifically relates to how one installs
> Extutils. I do see the folder Extutils with the .pm files within it, that
> is .../perl/lib/Extutils. any help is greatly appreciated.

A couple of things.

1) Perl is case-sensitive, so 'Extutils' is different from 'ExtUtils'

2) the 'scope-of' operator is '::' (two colons, not one)

I'm guessing you have something like 'use Extutils:Makemaker' at the top
of your script.  This will cause Perl to look for a file
'Extutils:Makemaker.pm' in @INC

Try changing the use line to 'use ExtUtils::MakeMaker'.  So long as
there exists a file 'ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm' in your @INC (it appears in
C:\Perl\lib on my system) you should be OK.


99 little bugs in the code, 99 bugs in the code.
Fix one bug, compile again, 100 little bugs in the code.
100 little bugs in the code, 100 bugs in the code.
Fix one bug, compile again, 101 little bugs in the code...

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