Wagner-David wrote:

>        my $sauditt = backtick("Type $qvmin");
>        $auditt = $sauditt;
>        $sauditt = backtick("Type $qvmdata");
>        $auditt .= $sauditt;
>        foreach ( @$auditt ) {
>           printf "$_\n";
>         }

$auditt and $sauditt are array references, so don't use the '.' concatenation
operator which is for strings.  You can't combine 2 different arrays by their
references (at least, not without dereferencing them).

Here's some code to chew on..

my $auditt = backtick("Type $qvmin");
my $sauditt = backtick("Type $qvmdata");
print "$_\n" foreach (@$auditt, @$sauditt);
print map { "$_\n" } @{ backtick("Type $qvmin") }, @{ backtick("Type $qvmdata")

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